
Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly Tidbits #19

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Whew! It's been a while since I've been able to post anything. I'll be sharing tomorrow the project that has been taking up most of my time, but for now, here's a little bit of what I've been up to lately!

Watching: Son of Batman- My husband and I have been wanting to watch this for a while and finally picked it up at Redbox. It was an okay movie. The dialogue was pretty funny at times but I didn't like the style of animation. I'm glad we watched it, but I probably won't see it again. Another thing is, I hated Talia al Ghul's outfits! Seriously, why? No one dresses like that. 

Working on: my cat scarf. I've made so much progress lately. I work on it while in my anthropology class because it is the most boring class ever... Seriously, it's the worst. I'm a pretty slow crocheter but, now that I am working on the body of the scarf it goes by really quickly. I've been going through all of the free patterns on Ravelry looking for my next project already. I really love those big bow ear warmers and they look fairly easy. 

Making: a list of recipes to try for Thanksgiving. I love cooking all year round but now that it's getting cold, I'm craving warm soups and roasted veggies. We are actually having three Thanksgiving meals this year, one with my husband's family, one with mine, and then on another day we are having dinner with our friends. That's a lot of food, but I don't mind :) My usual dish is a veggie stuffing but this year I'll probably end up making a few different things. What's your favorite holiday recipe?

Reading: I'm still reading The Maze Runner. Did anyone feel like it was really similar to The Hunger Games? I'm only halfway through so I guess I'll have to wait and see. Any recommendations for my next read?

Loving: putting up all of our Christmas decorations! On Nov. 1 I broke out the box of ornaments and our table top tree. I couldn't wait! Halloween is my favorite holiday by far but Christmas is a close second. After getting out our decorations I realized that we really don't have much, mostly just ornaments and our stockings. I think after putting up some lights it will really feel like Christmastime.

Excited About: The Arbitrary Scarf Exchange! I have a milk crate full of scarves, but one more can't hurt, right? And plus, now that I'm wearing a scarf every day, it's nice to have some variety. I love snail mail and am so excited to be a part of this swap. I can't wait to find out who my partner is. There is still one more day to sign up so head on over to The Arbitrary Fox for all of the details!

Little Tidbits:
the first snowfall of winter  ♥ season 5 of The Walking Dead ♥ cheese balls ♥ root beer floats ♥ new flannel sheets
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