Working on: plans for a huge shop update in November. I have to be honest, I am a little disappointed in my progress with my etsy shop. I have so many ideas and just not enough time in the day to create. Between working full time, having more than a full load at school, and homework on top of that, I don't have a whole lot of free time. I'm planning on taking some time each week to just relax with some crafts and try and get some items stockpiled to list next month. (Hopefully announcing it here will make me stick to a deadline!) Do any of you feel like you don't have enough time to do all of the things you want to accomplish?
Making: the first hot cocoa of the season! As much as I love tea, I drink it year round, so it doesn't have a whole lot of seasonal significance. Hot cocoa, however, I really only drink in the winter months. I just had some of the premade cocoa mix laying around, but I would love to come up with a few different recipes. Candy cane would be delicious!
Loving: Just walking around downtown. My husband and I moved to our town in March and still have a lot of places we've yet to see. This Sunday we went to lunch and afterwards, just walked around and explored all of the little shops. We stopped at a tea bar, and I got the most delicious pumpkin chai latte. There was another blend called "Witch's Brew" but they were out of stock at the time. I'll definitely be back to try it. They brew everything by hand and heat the water to the precise temperature needed. Surprisingly, the tea was not expensive at all. I'd say that Starbucks is probably a little more pricey. And of course, we couldn't resist a stop at the candy shop. My treats of choice were the peanut butter cup and carrot cake truffle. Amazing!
Little Tidbits:
the cats being extra snuggly since it's so cold in the evening ♥ all the sunflowers that are blooming everywhere ♥ new toys! (I mean figurines. I swear, I'm an adult.) I got the Donald Tsum and the Bambi pop ♥ American Horror Story coming on Netflix ♥ getting my first pumpkin of the season
I haven't seen it yet but it looks so good! I'm still waiting for Coven to come on Netflix. I know, it's so weird that both shows came from the same mind.