
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Weekly Tidbits #8

Watching: James and the Giant Peach I haven't seen this movie since I was really young but it's now available on Netflix. I forgot how great it was! I think Roal Dahl's stories translate really well into claymation. I may be a bit biased though, because I can't think of a claymation film I don't like.

Working on: trying to fix my sewing machines tension. Right as I was finishing up my tote bag, it just completely crapped out on me. I tried watching a YouTube video but it didn't help much. I think I'll just have to break out the manual and fiddle see if I can figure it out. If any of you know some tips, let me know!

Making: sugar cookies. I have been seeing so many cute cookie decorating ideas on Pinterest and I really want to start trying some out. For some reason, cookie decorating seems less intimidating than cake decorating. I have some pirate themed cookie cutters so I am going to make some for a friend's birthday next week. The best part is, I get to eat my mistakes!

Reading: The Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roal Dahl. I love Roal Dahl's stories, and they've unintentionally turned into a theme this week. They are always crazy and weird and the illustrations go with his style so well. I had actually never read The Fantastic Mr. Fox as a kid; I first heard of the book from the Wes Anderson film. It was cute and I think they did a great job with the movie adaptation.

Loving: peppermint essential oil. Lately at work I've been getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. I don't know what it is, but they love my blood. I just put a drop of peppermint on each of my bites and it really helps with the itchiness.

Excited About: Going to the farmer's market this weekend. Our town has a farmer's market on Sunday mornings and it's recently started up for the summer. I love trying all of the samples of food. It's my favorite part!

Little Tidbits:
cucumber & mint infused water ♥ finding new craft magazines ♥ nachos ♥ lifetime movies ♥ double rainbows

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